Retreats and Incentive Events: A growing sector

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the events industry has seen a favourable growth within the retreats and incentive events space. These were once a way to reward the high sales achievers for reaching targets, but now more programs are organised as a means for staff retention as well to drive culture and collaboration in the workplace.

The growth in this sector can be largely attributable to the changes the pandemic presented including remote working models, its effect on mental well-being, people leaving their respective industries and the impact on team spirit and culture.

Concerns were faced by employers whether productivity and trust would shift however we saw that staff were preforming optimally and were much happier. The world achieved a better work – life balance.

Now in post covid and the roll out of more incentives and retreat types of events we have seen the benefits they offer. They bring teams together all in the same location it has helped rebuild and foster team spirit and comradery and encouraged collaborations. It has also been a way to retain skilled and knowledgeable staff.

In addition to the retreats where these may be for the entire organisation or teams, we need to distinguish them from the incentive events whereby these may be more rewards based for specific groups such as the sales, marketing etc.

In this blog, I hope to share with you some of these insights in this growing sector and encourage you to consider if this may be something for your organisation.

Adapting to New Work Models

The new and changed work models we see today came about from Covid which has led to many organisations organising retreats and incentives to address the issue of staff and teams being broken up.

Staff have adapted to the new ways and management have identified that getting staff gathered in one location is necessary to get them engaged and energised to collaborate, contribute to work projects and get them enthusiastic again to the long-term goals and missions of the organisation.

They can step away from a work environment into a social setting that may be more relaxed and different to the usual office surrounds. Introducing fun team building activities it reignites and inspires staff and drives them to contribute to the company goals and missions. The event fosters a positive mind set among the attendees and drives them towards a positive work culture. Whilst in the office there is opportunity to foster and nurture employees it is still the usual office environment versus a different location.

When deciding on what to do i.e. retreats vs incentives, activities onsite, local versus further afield careful thought needs to be given and consideration. Is it a fun weekend to reward everyone for their hard work or is it also for management to share with them company goals for the upcoming 12 months? Is management aiming to get the culture and commitment from its staff back on track?

Nurturing Employee Well-being and Resilience

A big talking point post covid has also been that around mental health particularly of staff.  The population were constantly adapting and re-adapting every time regulations were changing. We saw many people being challenged and many kept soldiering on. Now that we are ‘back to business’ we need to ensure we are continuously checking in with staff and keeping them stimulated with their job roles.

Changes were likely made during the pandemic to restructure job roles, so we need to ensure this is managed continuously. Have things remained based on covid restructures or have things fallen back to old ways and a greater pressure put back onto staff to assume stressful workloads. By adding the extra workload this leads to unhappy staff who then move onto new jobs. By maintaining acceptable work expectations and rewards by way of incentives and retreats it ensures your staff are in for the long haul.

It has been identified there is a skills shortage that will be around for another 10 years. Many left their respective industries to seek more secure and stable jobs. Retreats and incentives used to entice staff to stay on in their roles has been a new area identified post pandemic.

It is paramount to nurture and invest in your staff to retain them. By rewarding them and recognising their contribution, loyalty and commitment you’ll find they put in even more. Reward staff where you can. Sometimes all it takes is an unexpected morning tea, a small gift or a team building day with colleagues.

Your staff is your biggest asset. If they leave, they take a great deal of knowledge and skill with them. The relationships they have built with customers, suppliers etc is not something that can be handed over to the new person so that also leaves with them.

By looking after them it rewards you in that you can retain your long serving employees who will be with you for the long term. A reward such as incentive trip to your PA really is not a lot in dollars. Rewarding them a week in Hawaii compared to what she commits above and beyond her duties is a small cost.

Strengthening Team Dynamics and Fostering Positive Culture

The remote working arrangement disrupted the teams. It lost some of the dynamics when continuing teamwork had to be done remotely versus face to face. Now that the world is operating at a new normal team projects are better achieved in person. Coming back together in person for team projects will reconnect and rebuild team dynamics and culture.

Depending on the nature of the project, its stage in the lifecycle and the importance, teams can consider meeting at an offsite location where they can power through it and make strides in achieving the milestones.

The disruption caused by COVID-19 emphasized the need for innovation and creative problem-solving in business. Corporate business retreats provide an ideal setting for employees to step out of their comfort zones, collaborate in new ways, and explore fresh perspectives. These experiences can spark creativity and innovation, benefiting the organisation.


Whilst I have touched on retreats and incentives that can be both company or team based we are seeing more of these events being delivered. These events can be tailored to small numbers right through to larger groups. Activities and experiences can range from an activity day through to a week away depending on your budget. Even something small such as a lunch and an early finish on a Friday makes a difference to the staff and they will continue to work hard and do the extra miles. When there is no recognition that’s when they start to look elsewhere.

By investing in the mental and emotional health of employees and embracing new world ways, companies can harness the transformative power of events to thrive in the post-pandemic era.

You can review my personal profile on Linkedin at Anna Civiti or follow me on Facebook at AC Events Management & Consultancy here